Chemistry doesn’t just happen in the lab.

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Written by Joseph Suh ‘25
Edited by Josue Navarro ‘25
Are you a fan of science? How about cooking? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you may be surprised to know that the two of them have more in common than you might think. By utilizing the principles of science, one can maximize their control over the cooking process in creative ways. Take, for example, ice cream—a sweet and creamy blend of milk and sugar whose taste many find irresistible. The key to its delicious nature lies not only in its sweetness, but also in its texture. You may have found in the past that some ice cream feels coarse and rough. This is likely due to the formation of large ice crystals from the freezing process, which can significantly hinder your enjoyment of the treat. However, by using liquid nitrogen—an extremely cold liquid that boils at -312℉—one can reduce the temperature of the ice cream mixture very quickly (2). This prevents the formation of large ice crystals and results in a texture that is incredibly smooth. The application of science to cooking as seen in this example is collectively known as molecular gastronomy in the culinary world, and it holds potential for revolutionizing food as we know it.
What is molecular gastronomy? The term can originally be attributed to the Hungarian physicist Nicholas Kurti and the French chemist Hervé This, who sought to tackle culinary issues through the application of food science. Eventually, molecular gastronomy arose as a new practice, which can be most simply described as the incorporation of science in the preparation, transformation, and sometimes the artistic presentation of food (3). Through the study of molecular gastronomy, one is able to explore the chemical and physical properties of ingredients as well as the number of chemical reactions associated with cooking processes, thereby gaining insight into why some recipes work while others may fail. There are many moving parts in the creation of a dish from its inception to its creation—such as the color (affected by pigment molecules, or that which produce color) and texture (affected by its classification as a solid, a liquid, a gas, or some combination of them)—but perhaps one of the most important aspects is the development of its flavor. For example, a food chemist can determine the flavor of a food by analyzing the aroma and nonvolatile molecules in it (4). Aroma extract dilution analysis, or AEDA, is a chemical technique that allows one to determine the potency of odorants in food extracts (5) and has been used in the past to identify key aromatic compounds contributing to the aroma of foods such as furaneol, which has a sweet strawberry smell and is found in a number of fruits (4).
Overall, it is with the understanding of the foundational chemical principles at play that one may pursue innovation by means of molecular gastronomy in the cooking industry. However, you are likely familiar with several techniques in molecular gastronomy already. Carbonation of foods and thickening with xanthan gum are both commonly used in modern food processing, and even sous vide—where food is vacuum-sealed before being placed to cook in a water bath—is one such example that you can perform at home (6). Extending molecular gastronomy, note-by-note cuisine was first proposed in 1994 and has since gained some degree of popularity; unlike more standard cooking methods which use meat, fruits, and vegetables as ingredients, this type of cuisine uses pure chemical compounds such as the citrus-smelling limonene to design each step of the cooking process (7). In spite of its great potential to inspire unique cuisine, however, it is natural to be wary of this new cuisine. A study of note-by-note dishes developed by students at TU Dublin found that the majority of students surveyed were inspired by traditional foods of varied ethnicities, which reasoned that such a basis could help quell the food neophobia of note-by-note cooking and cuisine (8).
While food created with molecular gastronomy may not be the cheapest item on the menu, that does not mean that you cannot experience it for yourself! The next time you eat a soufflé, you may want to take the time to consider the science that went into making the fluffy and rich dish. There is still much science to discover, and who knows—you may very well end up as the next creator of the decade’s most revolutionary cooking technique!
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Cape Crystal Brands [Internet]. [cited 2024 Nov 21]. Molecular Gastronomy Tools: Must-Haves for Every Chef. Available from: